What a wonderful December it was at Morningside! It started off with folks helping decorate the tree and wrap gifts for Grant County’s Christmas for Kids. There were lots of lovely handiwork projects to make and a fun physics lesson with snowball catapults. Laughter is so good for the soul! An evening performance by Larry…
November Activities
November means Veterans Day, and there were a number of events to honor our resident veterans. Folks enjoyed a delicious meal and patriotic sing-a-long, the Winskill Elementary School 5th grade students performed Veterans Day songs, and two gentlemen received Quilts of Valor at the local VFW. November is also opening day for hunting, so folks…
October Activities
October brought a number of wonderful opportunities to interact with the community! October 2 is National Coffee with a Cop Day, and residents and staff were pleased to welcome officers from the Lancaster Police Department and the Grant County Sheriffs Department – including K9 Vezer the Belgian Malinois! We so appreciate their dedication and service…
September Activities
September 8-14 was National Assisted Living Week, which is always lots of fun! The week started out with Grandparents’ Day, and folks made baskets of games and snacks to share with their family members who visited. Each day had a theme, like Pajama Day and Fan Club Friday. Bucky Badger was an honored guest that…
August Activities
August is the Grant County Fair, so the Golden Needle 4-H Club stopped by to show folks the projects they were entering. One of the students also brought in her rabbit, which was very fun! The Teresa Circle ladies came to play bingo and the Red Hatters came for cards. Morningside was a partial sponsor…